71. Response of planting methods and deficit irrigation on growth and yield attributes of maize under semi-arid conditions

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Manzoor . Amir Sohail Shazma Anwar Muhammad Owais Khan, Sultan Nawaz Fawad Ali Shah Ihtisham Ali Junaid Iqbal Junaid Ahmad, Farhan Ahmad, Haq Nawaz Muhammad Kefayatullah



Due to increasing population the fibers and food demand is increasing and on the other hand the per unit irrigated area water availability is decreasing. The demand of maize is expected to be increase several folds as the population is increasing. Thus, circumstances demand sustainable increased of crop yield per unit area with scare water resources. The research was carried out at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, during May 2017.The research was laid out in RCBD with split plot arrangement having 4 replications. Deficit Irrigations (Full irrigation (10 irrigations), one irrigation missing at six leaves stages, twelve leaves stage, flowering stage and grain filling stage) were allotted to main plots, while planting methods (Ridge, Flat and Broadcast)were allotted to sub plots. Deficit irrigations had a significant (P≤0.05) effect on all parameters excluding girth diameter and grain rows ear-1. Full irrigation (10 irrigations) had significantly more leaf area plant-1 (6916.90 cm2), grain yield (3352.75 kg ha-1), biological yield (10726.08 kg ha-1), Stem diameter (1.98 cm), number of nodes (8.12),ear length (16.45 cm) and ear height (87.92 cm). In case of planting methods, ridge planting had significantly higher leaf area plant-1 (6422.87 cm2), grain yield (2948.35 kg ha-1), biological yield (10562.30 kg ha-1), stem diameter (1.82 cm), ear length (15.50 cm) and ear height (86.10 cm). The interaction of planting methods and deficit irrigations had a significant effect on grain yield and biological yield. Maize grow on ridge method and deficit irrigation (one irrigation missing at six leaves stage produced grain yield (3369 kg ha-1), ridge and full irrigation had more biological yield (11336 kg ha-1) On the basis of the above results it is concluded that in water scare area grow maize on ridge planting method and give deficit irrigation at vegetative stage (one irrigation missing at six leaves stages) inoder to increased water productivity (Efficiency).

Keywords: Deficit irrigation; Growth; Maize; Methods; Planting; Semi-arid; Yield


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