Mapping the spatial distribution of endangered and key species of Khunjerab National park through remote sensing techniques

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Ayesha Sikandar, Rehmat Ullah, Adnan Naveed, Ruqia Bibi, Misbah Noreen, Sana Riasat


Mapping of the key species of Khunjerab national park is carried out through remote sensing techniques. The methods adopted to carry out this study were Georeferencing, digitization, unsupervised classification for LULC (Land use Land cover), change detection and clipping of heads of key faunal species of Khunjerab National Park. In this study ISO cluster unsupervised classification was used in which four classes (snow, Bare Rocks/Bare Soil, Shadowed Rocks and mixed grasses/pastures) were set to determine the (LULC) of khunjerab national park and the accuracy assessment came out to be 80% which is quite satisfactory. Future perspectives of this study may include the following: Conservation Efforts, Monitoring and Management and Scientific Knowledge. The study contributes to the scientific community's understanding of the biodiversity and ecological dynamics within Khunjerab National Park. It provides valuable data on the distribution and status of key mammalian species, as well as insights into the impact of environmental changes on the park's ecosystem. This study also recommends different conservative approaches to protect the key and endangered mammalian species of Khunjerab national park.

Keywords: Geo-spatial; Large mammals; Mammalian fauna; Snow leopards

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