Effect of animal breed on the different parts of carcass traits of various sheep breeds of Baluchistan
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The role of breed differences in productive traits consider as major genetic resources for enhancing meat quality, quantity and production efficiency. It is important to determine the potential value of carcass traits from breed crosses and breed differences as alternate source of germplasm for production of meat. This study was performed to observe the influence of breed on the different parts of carcass of four sheep breeds including Balochi, Rakhshani, Harnai and Bibrik. In this study total 120 male animal having 8 month of age 30 animals from each breed were selected. They were reared in semi-intensive management system with inbreeding method was applied. In order to observe the influence of breed on the different parts of carcass traits, the 10 randomly selected animals from each breed were slaughtered to analysis the different parts of carcass traits including shoulder with neck, neck with lion and flank, leg with shank and each part of carcass traits was boned out. The result for different parts of carcass including shoulder with neck, rack with loin and flank, legs with shanks for Balochi breed were observed significantly (P≥0.05) higher except bone weight followed by Bibrik, Rakhshani and Harnai sheep breeds, whereas the higher bone weight was observed in Bibrik sheep breed as compared with other breeds. Based on the present study, it is concluded that comparatively higher carcass weight of different parts of carcass and boneless weight were better in Balochi breed followed by Bibrik, Rakhshani and Harnai. It is concluded that Balochi breed could be better animal to use for meat purpose.
Keywords: Balochistan; Breed; Parts of carcass; Sheep breeds