16. Psychological impact of landscape principles on human beings: A case study of Safari Villas Park Bahria Town, Lahore, Pakistan
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Landscape, the greenery and plants in the cities to beautify the surrounding and made for environmental benefits. A landscape can also contributes to reduce stress and fatigue in humans. In this scenario, the research is conducted to analyze the human psychological impact of landscape where principles of landscape are properly used, especially in the housing societies recently developed in the last two decades, in Lahore, Pakistan so the Safari Villas Park in Bahria town housing society is selected. In this mixed-method research the data is collected through the observation and pictorial view of the area to analyze the application of the principles of landscape in the park and a questionnaire is filled by the humans who visit park, to know their experiences and their psychological relief. In Safari Vilas Park, unity, balance, harmony, repetition along with other landscape principles are observed. The findings of the questionnaire show that majority of the people agree that there are enough plants and benches, this facility impact positively on their psychological health. They prefer to come there and enjoy its greenery because of mental relaxation. The park is being used for social interaction, exercise, workout, relaxation for elders and kids. The study would help to design parks which satisfy the humans’ psychological expectations by the implementation of principles of landscape. The study opens a novel perspective for scholars to think and design urban landscape areas which provide human beings with a place to devote some blissful time.
Keywords: Human beings; Landscape; Principles of landscape; Satisfaction; Views