13. Field evaluation of synthetic insecticides against Capitulum borer (Helicoverpa armigera) infesting Sunflower (Helianthus annus L.)

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Muhammad Aftab, Muhammad Kamil Malik, Muhammad Zubair, Sikander Ali Muhammad Waqas ul Hassan Kanwal Hanif Huma Qamar, Muhammad Rizwan Khurshid


In the economy of Pakistan, oilseed crops play a major share and contribute more than 17% to meet the domestic edible oil requirement. Sunflower contributes about 11% in domestic edible oil production. However, a wide gap exists in this sector which can be improved for enhancing its local production. Several factors are responsible for the yield losses. Losses due to insect pests are increasing because of overusing the insecticides. On the other hand, insects are also developing resistance against insecticides at a significant rate. The present study was designed to identify the most effective insecticide for inclusion in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program to effectively manage capitulum borer (Helicoverpa armigera) infesting Sunflower. Maximum mortality (83.28%) was expressed by Spinetoram followed by Chlorantraniliprole (81.53%), Emamectin Benzoate (78.23%), Indoxacarb (75.13%) and Lufenuron (69.67%). These insecticides can alternatively be used to control capitulum borer. However, further research is required to ensure effective management of capitulum borer through IPM.

Keywords: Coragen; Efficacy; Emamectin; Head moth; Spinetoram; Sunflower



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