12. Efficacy of various insecticidal modules against Mango hopper, Idioscopus clypealis Lethierry (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) on Mango “Samar Bahisht Chaunsa” and their impact on yield
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Mango hopper, Idioscopus clypealis Lethierry is one of the most destructive pests of mango globally which causes considerable monetary loss. Growers spray mango crop against this pest on flowering unwisely which destroys the pollinator which are the main source of fruit setting. So the main objective of this study was to change treatment regime from calendar to need based sprays to save the natural fauna of mango “Samar Bahisht (SB) Chaunsa” during 2017-18 and 2018-19. Three insecticidal modules viz., Module-1, single spray of insecticide, imidacloprid @ 120ml, Module-II consisted of two sprays, imidacloprid @ 120ml and clothianidin @100ml were tested against I. clypealis. Whereas, Module-III had three sprays i.e. imidacloprid @ 120ml, clothianidin @ 100ml and thiomethaxam @10g per 100 liter of water throughout the year. The results indicated that Module-III proved to be the best and controlled the pest effectively when applied in February, April and August with highest yield i.e.297.23 kg per tree. Whereas, the mango hopper population i.e. 0.13 individual per inflorescence was recorded in full bloom period. Similarly, in Module-II, two sprays were made i.e. imidacloprid in February and clothianidin in April showed 2.81 mango hoppers per inflorescence with yield i.e. 172.58 kg per tree. Whereas, in Module-I where only one spray was applied in February, mango hopper population was 20.88 per inflorescence and the yield was 90.72 kg per tree. So this study, therefore, concluded that Module-III proved to be the best for management of mango hopper for better yield and save pollinator fauna of mango crop.
Keywords: Clothianidin; Imidacloprid; Mango Hopper; Pollinators; Samar Bahisht Chaunsa; Thiomethaxam